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Website created to help Mainers get their $850 checks

April 22, 2022 GMT

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — The state has created a website to help Mainers collect their $850 relief checks included in a $1.2 billion supplemental budget signed by the governor this week.

The website aims to answer commonly asked questions surrounding eligibility, timing of checks and filing taxes.

“We want to make sure that every eligible person is able to receive this assistance, and we are hopeful that this website can help accomplish that by answering some of the most common questions Maine people may have,” Gov. Janet Mills said in a statement.

The money comprises more than half of the $1.2 billion budget. Mills proposed returning much of the money to Mainers as a historic surplus ballooned thanks to federal spending and rosier-than-expected revenue forecasts.

The checks will be mailed to more than 850,000 individuals, but filing an income tax return is a prerequisite. The state is giving late-filers until Oct. 31 to submit their tax returns.

Income limits for the payments are $100,000 for an individual or married filing separately; up to $150,000 for head of household; and $200,000 for couples filing jointly.

The first round of checks will go out in June, and additional checks will roll out through the end of the year.